Monday, April 6, 2009

More on the Other Performing McKeown

Last week was a musical one for Maggie (and by extension, me and Frank, her avid fans).

Wednesday evening was the Albany High spring choral concert, at St. Marks in Berkeley. I've been to a couple concerts there (to see good friend Monica, in the California Bach Society), and the church is a lovely place with very nice acoustics.

Then, this past Saturday evening, we attended the always-fun guitar recital at the Benicia home of her guitar teacher, Peter Morley. We always enjoy these recitals. Peter is a very giving teacher and a gracious host, and Maggie played "I Want to Hold Your Hand".

Before the recital, during the day, Maggie and I had joined the Cassims (with their visiting nephew, Sameer) for a mid-day visit to Sausalito. Lots of sun, a very nice lunch, and a bit of shopping. So, even before the recital, we were pretty pooped. When we returned home (around 9 p.m.), Maggie and I got comfy in jammies and watched some LotR (Two Towers).

The next day, Maggie and I went in to SF to finally pick some perfume to go into the bottle that was part of her Christmas. First we had lunch at City View (excellent dim sum) and then we smelled some fragrance at Macy*s. She thought she might like something from Chanel or Dior, but we looked at/took a whiff of several designers/brands until ending up with two possible choices from Dior--J'Adore and Cherie. We got some Ben & Jerry's while we pondered this monumental decision and then went back upstairs to get her a nice little Cherie gift box (that included a cute little purse and some body lotion). The sales guy--I think recognizing a potential future customer in Maggie--threw in an extra thing of body lotion for her.

A very nice weekend to kick off Maggie's spring break. At the end of this week, we'll be heading up to Tahoe to spend Easter with the Bauers. The fun just never stops!