Monday, March 23, 2009

"Full" House

Emily survived the second quarter cuts in UCSB's BFA acting program, so she's still officially an acting major. :-) And, since that marked the end of the second quarter, she is home again for a week, for Spring Break. It's so lovely to have her home. We love love love having her around. I will be so very sad when she leaves again this weekend.

She and Maggie and I went to the Cerrito theater yesterday to see a sold-out 2 p.m. matinee of Labyrinth. Way fun.

I'm thinking this week I might need to take a PTO day to play with Emily while she's home. At the end of the school year, she's going to the UK for three weeks (where she and Grace Armstrong, a friend since preschool, will play tra la la and I'm trying not to resent my own daughter). So after this week, we won't see much of Emily until mid-July.

We get three more years of Maggie at home, so that helps a lot. I don't know how the parents of one child deal with this.