Monday, March 23, 2009

"Full" House

Emily survived the second quarter cuts in UCSB's BFA acting program, so she's still officially an acting major. :-) And, since that marked the end of the second quarter, she is home again for a week, for Spring Break. It's so lovely to have her home. We love love love having her around. I will be so very sad when she leaves again this weekend.

She and Maggie and I went to the Cerrito theater yesterday to see a sold-out 2 p.m. matinee of Labyrinth. Way fun.

I'm thinking this week I might need to take a PTO day to play with Emily while she's home. At the end of the school year, she's going to the UK for three weeks (where she and Grace Armstrong, a friend since preschool, will play tra la la and I'm trying not to resent my own daughter). So after this week, we won't see much of Emily until mid-July.

We get three more years of Maggie at home, so that helps a lot. I don't know how the parents of one child deal with this.


Dave said...

Your "Full House" post really struck a nice nerve. When Steph was at Ohio U., her homecomings were always wonderful for each of us. The first night was always the best, usually almost all-nighters filled with all her latest exploits, changing perspectives, hopes and fears and dreams. I was lobbying then, and equated trips to the airport with lonely departures, but picking her up at MIA was exciting (even though she was always the last one off the plane!). I also really connect with your admission of jealousy; is there a better time in life than our undergrad years, when so much lies in front of and before us, and so little is required by the big bad world? As Dylan says, "Ten thousand dollars at the drop of a hat/I'd give it all gladly if our lives could be like that."

Dorothy said...

I like this Dave guy.