Friday, April 18, 2008

Maggie McKeown: Artist

Well, artist is just one of things Maggie is, of course. But Grandma Mary came to visit last week, during Spring Break, and taught Maggie some basic watercolor technique. (Grandma Mary paints and teaches in Ocala, FL.) Herewith, a sample of Maggie's work. I, too, took a lesson, but I didn't have quite the same natural proclivity as did Maggie. I did, however, paint a tree, an pear, and an apple, with great assistance from Grandma.

We had a lovely, but all too brief, visit with Grandma, and our house is full of watercolors, to prove it.

Tomorrow, I head off for my "Post-Chemo 2008 Tour". First, I'm visiting Indiana (Indianapolis and Bloomington) where I'll get to see three out of four of some of my dearest friends, and my alma mater (Indiana University). Then, on Thursday, I'm driving up to Chicago, where I'll get to play with all three of my sisters. This is kind of a big deal. We're all busy and I'm interrupting more than one of their lives right now, but they're good sisters and they're humoring me by making an appearance in a city that I love. I'm sure I'll have lots of pics to share upon my return, on April 27.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous apple, and Ben says the Chinese dragon is even better! Anyway, have a great trip.--M