Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Hair Today....

Some peachy fuzz-like stuff starting growing on my head right around the time of my last chemo treatment, which means it was starting to grow even while I my body was processing the Taxol. Of course, to balance this out, I've lost most of my eyebrows and eyelashes... (it's all about the yin and the yang of life, right?)

Dennis took a photo of me to post here. At first, Frank and I were hoping I would be a lovely sophisticated silver or white, but it's looking very salt & pepper, so I'm thinking I might dye it in late spring/early summer, when the hair is around an inch long.... The hair is just long enough that some folks (who don't know me) are assuming the look is intentional. Ahem. Well, that's okay, too.

MRI Update: I called ABMG yesterday to follow up on the request for authorization and was told that it would be another five to seven days. Also, the person there indicated that the request was for MRI on both breasts. This strikes me as a mistake and what might be slowing down the process. I called the surgeon's office and left a message that I wanted to ask that he resubmit this request and make it "urgent". I've not heard back from him, so I don't know if he did it and didn't call, or if it's "in their system" or what. Anyway.

My radiation oncologist, meanwhile, had me give my info to her nurse, Donna. She felt that it was very possible that the request for both breasts might slow things down. In any case, they are pursuing the approval from their camp, so maybe between the surgeon's office and the radiation oncology office....? I mean, really. It's been three weeks since Dr. Kuan felt the lump. And I'm waiting for a #*&#$ approval. Ergh. More news when I have it....

(Have you noticed the preponderance of ellipses in this entry? Reflective of my current mood, I'm sure. Just waiting.....)


Colleen's Super Rad Blog about nothing said...

ellipse away, baby! Meanwhile, I'd be up for kicking some insurance ...

Emily said...

Okay, so I have a plan. We bust into the hospital, and you use your well-earned experience to find someone we know can operate an MRI machine. Taking them captive, we find a machine and get this done. Did I mention we will be dressed as pirates throughout? For...distraction purposes?


Unknown said...

Aaaar! I be with you matey!

(I even have my pirate costure already. . . no surprise, eh?)

Karen L.

Why Take a "Break"? said...

Most excellent plan, darling daughter. I appreciate your attention to detail. It's those details that can mean the difference between success and failure on any mission, and you are clearly suited to such a venture. Do we have a date and time?

WonderMike said...

I can knit Pirate hats for all of us!!!! I love your downy new hair. So Chic, n'est-ce pas?