Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

I am so very, very happy to say that I am done with Adriamycin and Cytoxan. Ick, ick, and ick again. I have reached that point in chemo where just the *thought* of chemotherapy makes me feel queasy, so I am especially pleased to be starting the next course of treatment next week.

Jackie was my chemo-buddy for the final AC. We got to find the other chemo room, downstairs, the existence of which I was completely unaware until we spent several hours there. Jackie was remarkably well-equipped with magazines, water bottles, and even a conversation topic game. She also brought her camera and so I am able to include this pic of me and Dr. Kuan.

I have my blood draw and check-up with Dr. Kuan tomorrow, at which point I'll schedule my Taxol infusions. If everything goes according to plan, we're most likely looking at one infusion next week, two in December, and one in early January, and then (dare I say it?) we're done with chemo. More importantly, the Taxol is supposed to be easier to take than the AC. A small percentage of folks have a bad reaction to the Taxol (such as my friend Karen C-O), and Dr. Kuan says we'll know right away if I'm in that minority (fingers firmly crossed).

Meanwhile? The holidays are starting! Yay! I'm a huge sucker for Thanksgiving and Christmas and already am listening to holiday music at work, and at home when I can get away with it (it scandalizes Frank, so, not too often at home). My parents are already in California after a mad dash across the continent (the story of their 2007 RV trials and tribulations are really fodder for a whole other blog) and should be at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield early tomorrow.

Emily found a ride from UCSB and gets home sometime Wednesday evening.

We feel lucky to be spending Thanksgiving with John & Lynn and their table(s) of 27. I love big Thanksgivings, and we've been honored to be included in the Price family Thanksgiving for several years now. It will be lovely to relax and visit and just enjoy the holiday.

We wish you and yours the very best, happy, peaceful holiday. See you again after Turkey Day.


Emily said...

I just felt the need to point out the fact that you didn't mention the William Shatner episode of Columbo.

Not only is it my favorite episode, It's William Freaking Shatner. Come on. I can't have you dropping the ball like that.

Emily said...

Whoops, that was supposed to go the the previous entry. Don't mind me.

Why Take a "Break"? said...

Actually, the truth is even better--there are *two*, count them, yes, two, Columbos with William Shatner (17 years apart). The first one is especially fun because it features some newfangled videotape technology. But plot devices pale in comparison to the Shatner. All bow.