Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Le Sigh

Well, I went for my post chemo check-up with Dr. Kuan and she did what should have been a routine breast exam, just to make sure everything is okay. Unfortunately, there is something hard on my left breast, a bit beyond where scar tissue should be, closer to the nipple.

I told her that I experienced some pain in the area last night, and she's confused. Since the incision site itself is nice and soft, it's even more confusing. *Sigh* So. I'm having an ultrasound on the 25th (I know. Ten whole days. Can you even believe it?) to see if it's scar tissue (her best guess) or something else (which is why you do an ultrasound, right?)

More than anything else, I'm weary. I'm so very, very tired of this. And now, at what should be almost the end, we've got a "what is that" question. Well. There it is.

Meanwhile, still planning to start radiation. Got my "dress rehearsal" on Friday, and then I think I'm starting next Tuesday.

This weekend? Tahoe with Deirdre B, Deirdre G, Carla, and our daughters. I plan to drink. :-)

P.S. I genuinely appreciate the kind thoughts and words, but I'm not really up for talking about this right now. I'm frustrated and feeling a bit futile because I dont' have an action plan. I can't have an action plan--either way--until I know what's what. And I won't know that until the ultrasound. So, please, just try to bear with me until the 25th. And in the meantime, thanks for your patience.


dror said...

Hi Karen,

This must be so discouraging. So close to being done with this stage, and then more. And you've been such a good girl so far.
Once again, we'll keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.


Leslie Kauffman said...

Ugh, Karen, so sorry to hear this news. I of course am crossing my fingers that it's just scar tissue, but you most certainly do not need this stress. And that 10-day wait? Criminal! You've been doing amazingly-- hang in there, and know that Andrew and I are among the many thinking of you.