Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Open for business

Our new office is in, yay! After moving a cabinet, packing up boxes of books, etc., and painting, California Closets finally came this week to install our new office. Here's pic of Happy Frank in the new digs. For the rest of the photos, go to Flickr.


Anonymous said...

The office looks great! What a terrific use of the space. (This isn't like me--as you know I normally like to say something snide, like, for instance, about UW beating IU AGAIN, as in twice this season.)

Yours truly,


Why Take a "Break"? said...

Wow. Hi, "Anonymous". You sound a lot like my remarkably insecure (and occasionally buttheaded) friend, John Price. Can I introduce you two?

Anonymous said...

Oh, you can lash out, but that doesn't change the result! As for this John Price, I think I'd like to meet him. He sounds pretty cool.

Anonymous said...

I need a flowchart for all these doctors...Wong, Kuan, Champion, Doogie Howser, Marcus Welby, etc. :)

But I gather that the gist of it all is that you have a biopsy scheduled for the 19th?


Anonymous said...

Hey - we have those exact cabinets in our home office too. The blue is a nice touch!