Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Ming Kuan, Oncologist

I met my medical oncologist today (that's the one who gets to prescribe the ickiest part of this whole process, the chemotherapy). Loved her. Dr. Ming Kuan answered all Frank's and my questions and even put us a bit at ease. (Invasive does not imply, as I had assumed, that the cancer had necessarily invaded something. The biopsy merely indicates that it has the capacity to do so. And, as we all keep saying, we'll know more after surgery. Which is less than two days away. Yay!)

Dr. Kuan ordered a CT scan just to ensure the cancer hasn't spread, and I get to do that tomorrow afternoon, after I meet with my radiation oncologist, Dr. Roig.

The nicest bit of all this news is that all my cancer doctors (except my surgeon) and nurses, etc. are all in one wonderful facility. I get to show up and they have all my info. My CT scan tomorrow? At the Comprehensive Cancer Center. My radiation oncologist? Same place. And when I go back to my medical oncologist next Tuesday, post-op? Yep, at the Cancer Center. Makes things *much* easier.

They gave me a lovely, helpful binder, with all sorts of info in it. And it has tabs for things like phone numbers, and medication lists, and lab results. Which is great. Because my little folder was beginning to show the signs of wear & tear from too much paper and from being carted around.

So. On to the CT scan and meeting my other doctor, and then, *finally*, surgery on Thursday.

Oh, and, I've shared this link with a few folks, but I've really enjoyed this woman's blog from when she had cancer last year, so I thought I'd share it with everyone: http://www.alixnorth.com/navigational-chart-breast-cancer-patients.

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