Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Journey Begins

So, my doctor thought it was a cyst, but the ultrasound and mammogram indicated otherwise. A biopsy taken Friday revealed that it is, indeed, breast cancer.

That's really all I know right now. I have a surgery consult on Thursday and my doctor should have more information on exactly what kind of cancer we're looking at, on Friday. And can I just say this sucks?

I'm sending an email because I'm annoyingly weepy right now. I'm at work because, really, what would I do if I stayed home? So, there it is.

I'll let folks know more as I know it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Karen,

Glad to hear all went well yesterday I was thinking of you all day. I took a walk near Costco
waiting for a new tire so let me know when you are up for little walks.
Oh, I really do love your short hair, it looks cute and easy to manage.
Rest this week so you can enjoy the weekend with Emily. Talk to you soon. Love Deirdre

Anonymous said...

Hi Karen
I'm impressed- camping between surgeries??? You really do have spunk! But, how about a spa for your next vacation?!
Love your cute new doo.
Thinking of you,