Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sometimes Life Is Especially Unfair

Very soon after getting my cancer diagnosis, I went online and looked for "cancer diets". You'll be shocked to hear that it's mostly common sense: no caffeine, no alcohol, lots of dark green, leafy vegetables, lots of fruits, and anything with antioxidants. And I've been pretty good. I've pretty much completely dropped the caffeine and alcohol and it's a pain, and a drag, and a bother, but I feel like it's just not that hard to make those changes for the duration of this healing process.

But honestly, I figured I could dabble in caffeine and alcohol after radiation. I mean, why not, right? I'll be better and life should resume. And then stupid Kaiser hospital has to publish this.

Sometimes life is so unfair.


Anonymous said...

My own research says you can have a drink now and then. Sheesh! By the way, what does the research say about the extra pound of butter Frank adds to most dishes? Believe me, I'm not complaining, I'm just wondering.

Anonymous said...

You go John

Anonymous said...

Okay, so fair is fair. "anonymous" is your dad, Keebie. However, having said that, go John!

Why Take a "Break"? said...

Now, now. Let's all be grown-ups here. You don't want to eat Frank's cooking? Then, don't.

I mean, really. Everyone knows that butter is good for you. And it's not a whole pound. Merely a portion of a pound. Usually. Unless the recipe *expressly* requires a pound. And then he's just doing what he's supposed to do. I mean, really. Do you want him to deviate from the recipe? Are you crazy?

Anonymous said...

I said I'm not complaining. I like the way Frank cooks. And, I take medicine every day just to counteract the one or two meals a month of his I eat.

Colleen's Super Rad Blog about nothing said...

I hate these research studies. Drink for your heart! Don't drink for fear of your breasts! Eat, don't eat. Cut back, stop, etc, etc, etc. If we try to follow all the rules, we'll have to subsist on water and styrofoam peanuts. I say, eat the butter, drink the martini! And send a crate of scotch to the researchers at Kaiser--they clearly don't know how to live.

Anonymous said...

I like Colleen!