Friday, October 19, 2007

And Here We Are Again...

....on the other side. Mostly.

Day + 3 this time is much the way it was last time. My stomach is feeling a bit timid, but I'm drug-free and so feeling pretty good. I'm pounding the saltines and drinking the water, and even better--I'm not doped up on the sofa all day.

Tuesday evening, after the chemo, I was fatigued, but okay. Wednesday I was mostly okay, but fatigued. Thursday I slept and watched DVDs and ate some pretty bland food. Frank made pasta carbonara for dinner, which I enjoyed, but might have been a tad bit heavy for me. I didn't suffer too much, though, so, all in all, a good couple days.

We're lucky enough to be invited to several birthday parties this weekend, but I think we'll be seeing how I feel tomorrow before we make any social decisions for the weekend.

Meanwhile, my hair is mostly gone. I'd say I've lost a good 3/4 of it and it's so very sad looking. :-) I really wish it would just finish falling out so I could be done with it. I'm wearing lovely hats, including this very nice cap that Michael knitted for me (the pic is from before hair loss), and I'm sure the hats would be more comfortable without the pathetic itchy remnants of hair.


Robert said...

Fear not... Susanne and Ana are coming to work with me tomorrow!!!!

Jacqueline said...

Ugh. I'm sorry for the itchy remnants and your timid stomach, and all amazed at your gustatory courage in tackling pasta carbonara, which is delicious but daunting at the best of times.

But that's one more week conquered and done with. I'm thinking good thoughts for you today.

If you need more DVDs, I'll be in your neighborhood on Friday morning (dropping Emmett off at school), and if you're feeling up to it I could drop by (or if you're not but you still want DVDs I could just leave them on your doorstep). BBC series, Miyazaki films, a lovely-looking WWI miniseries starring a very young Colin Firth that David got me during the month of bedrest but that the subsequent baby has prevented me from actually viewing. Lots of stuff. Our library is your library.