Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Not Much to Report

This is my "good" week and things are going very well.

The weekend was a bit bumpy. I developed some stomach cramps on Saturday afternoon and so was unable to enjoy any of the three parties we were lucky enough to be invited to. Thankfully, Frank was able to make a brief appearance at two of the parties, and I was able to have lunch with the other party boy today, so I don't think we've burned any social bridges. :-)

The past few days have been mostly about Maggie--trying to ensure she's got what she needs in terms of time, attention, and anything else. She's been weathering this storm very well, I have to say. She's quite the trouper. She slept late Sunday (thank heavens, as she had stayed up until 3:30 the night before, on a sleepover) and then she and I cuddled and watched the end of The Age of Innocence. Then we went to Macys because they were having a Clinique bonus (you buy something and you get groovy little make-up/skincare samples and a cute little bag of some sort). She also wrangled some very fuzzy slippers and a dress out of the trip. But I got tired after only about an hour and we headed on home.

Meanwhile, on the hair loss front: I think by Friday I had lost about 3/4 of my hair and the remaining hair both itched and hurt. It was insult to injury and I couldn't stand it anymore. So, I took some hair scissors and cut off the remaining hair and had a brief cry. I don't mind being bald--truly. This pathetic stubble just looks so sad. Bald would really look better than this. Frank tried to help by shaving the rest, but my hair is so fine, he had to give up after we got the nape of the neck cleaned up.

The good news is that it no longer hurts (I'm convinced that it was the weight of the remaining hair pulling on the almost empty follicle that hurt) and the remaining stubble continues to fall out. So, in another week or so, I should be hairless.

And Frank is allowed to call me "Sinead", but most definitely *not* "Kojak". Just sayin'.

My lovely and wonderful friend Robert brought two wigs in to work for me yesterday. One is long and auburn with bangs (Susanne) and the other is a short, black pageboy with bangs (Anna). I will be grooming them both soon for occasional hat-free days. When I have pics (hopefully next week sometime), I'll post them. I'll also post a bald pic, just because, I mean, please. You've got to document this stuff for posterity, haven't you?


Radio Schmaydio said...

I should've brought my barber clippers over when your hair got heavy.

Think of it as an Emma look. Emma Thompson shaved her head when she was at University.

And Elizabeth Taylor had Richard Avedon take pictures after she shaved her head for brain surgery. So there's plenty of precedent for Love Goddesses of Our Time showing off their scalp.

You should see if Avedon is available.

Now might be a good time to check in with Dr. Margulies on how to properly draw on your eyebrows.

The wigs sound fun. I'm partial to your natural gray, but it'll be fun to see you as a brunette again.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of Maggie, seeing her at the Larsons' dance fest and talking with her (she even jumped in and danced with us, and few people are willing to be seen within twenty feet of me on the dance floor) reminded us of how she's grown. No less delightful than ever, but, oh my, when did she get so tall?

Meantime, you're not stuck with only "Kojak" as an alternative to "Sinead." There's always "Andre" (Agassi), "Yul," and the NBA star of your choice. But somehow I think "Karen" has a nice ring to it.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or are you looking pretty darn cute with that hat? I can hear the Mary Tyler Moore theme song in the background....

Why Take a "Break"? said...

Um, Yul? Andre? You can't find any nice women's names? I know you're more creative that than, Bob. And I hear Maggie wasn't only dancing, but that she was deigning to *instruct*. That's my girl, always willing to help out us geezers. :-)