Friday, October 12, 2007

Lesson Learned

I'm guessing there's a reason that when the nutritionist was talking to me about diet, she did not include Mexican food from Juan's on the list of "rebuilding" foods.

I was in a truly cranky mood on Wednesday and so decided I needed Juan's for lunch to help comfort me. The words "big mistake" don't do the idea justice.

I have told my friends at work that if I even mention Juan's again in the next four months, they are not only to dissuade me from such madness--they are to slap me. Hard.

I had serious indigestion all night and most of the following day. It didn't really dissipate until last night. I don't think it was the spiciness of the food, per se, because it wasn't all that spicy. I think it was just the overall lack of any nutritional value in what I was eating. Loaded with fat and flavor, yes. But not much else, and my digestive system let me know how much it disapproved.

I promise I'll be good from now on. Really.

1 comment:

Colleen's Super Rad Blog about nothing said...

I can't remember a trip to Juan's that didn't end in some sort of gastrointestinal discomfort. I, too, need slapped if I even mention Juan's.