Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Two Down

Well, the chemo part is done, and now we just get the next couple days of fatigue, headache, hair loss, and (hopefully limited) nausea. So, I'll more sincerely feel like it's "two down" sometime around this weekend, I'm guessing.

Once again, the adriamycin gave me a minor allergic reaction, which triggered my asthma. No biggie, just interesting. And I'll probably add a benadryl or something to my mix of pre-chemo drugs next time.

I'll be working from home tomorrow, and Thursday (based on my experience last time with Day + 2) I'm planning to take the day off and wallow in DVDs (Jeeves & Wooster is pretty high up on the list). If the pattern follows last time, I should be mostly okay by Friday. Time for more finger crossing out there!

It's also time for a big thank you to all the friends and family out there who are taking care of us. The emails and cards, the groceries and baked goods, the carpools and flowers. Really. I'm not sure we always show the appreciation we feel. Please know how grateful we are and how loved we feel. Thank you.


Robert said...

Remember... I don't live in the suburbs and have a family so the obvious things I can do to help aren't going to be obvious so you'll have to point them out. But I'll happily do them even though you didn't let me wear your mitts while I had my martini on Friday.

Why Take a "Break"? said...

Oh, bother, you should have reminded me! I've been wanting a photo of you wearing the gloves, holding a martini. Well, we will certainly have another opportunity for such a photo op before this is all over... Remember that I am increasingly addled and need your help remembering these important details.

Anonymous said...

Sending good thoughts that the nausea is less this time. A day of DVD's with a light sprinkle of rain seems just the ticket to help with your recovery. Hope we get to party and walk this weekend...will
try a new receipe for my Irish bread with flaxseed, plus......

Anonymous said...

I read you blog and see the same things Martha went through a few months ago. Her hair hurt. Just know that even tho we do not talk, that I hear from your Mother. You are always in my prayers(Istill pray for your mother's patience also). Just don't loose your spirit. Remeber to eat and drink plenty. Martha couldn't and got sicker than the cancer.

Why Take a "Break"? said...

Sue--thanks for praying for my mother's patience. (I take it that means that you're praying that she gets more, right?) :-) I'm being a good girl and eating my yogurt and drinking my water, and today, I am positively pounding the saltines. Thank heavens for saltines...